Sunday 17 January 2010

So, trying to make this blog a little bit more active still...

I'm torn over whether to start looking more seriously for another place to live here in HD. I'm fairly content here, because even though it's a bit of a prison, the people are all really nice so it's pretty sociable. However I am also aware that contentment is not always a good enough reason to stay in one place, and I feel like while I am in Germany I want to experience as much as possible so maybe it is time to move on. However, unlike in England there doesn't seem to be a really big market for private student acommodation and there isn't really enough University acommodation to go round so it could be hard finding somewhere. A lot of the German students I know live quite a way away from Heidelberg, in one of the surrounding towns, which I think would be fine if I was here for a while and knew the area etc, but isn't really so practical for the here and now. SO whatever, we will see - it wouldn't be the end of the world staying here, it would just be nice to live somewhere with a proper kitchen and a shower you didn't have to keep pressing the button on like in a swimming pool!!

The snow has mostly melted now, so it's time to get back on my bike again (literally) I think.. good old lil hercules :)

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